General Discussion Thread – 23 May 2023

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what’s on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.

  1. Anyone use any of the budget airlines for domestic travel? I’m planning a trip to Hokkaido next month, and the prices are significantly lower for flights from Peach, Skymark, etc. compared to the big two. Any issues I should look out for? I’ve only ever flown with JAL/ANA, so I’m used to their generally smooth operation.

  2. still haven’t decided yet whether to pick up Jedi: Survivor on PC or PS5

    the haptic feedback seems interesting

  3. Any good recommendations for rain coats that are suitable for bicycle commutes? I carry a back pack and ride to work (around 20mins in Tokyo) and would wanna continue to do so during the rainy season if I can find a good raincoat.

    Thanks in advance!

  4. being forced to watch the new eigo de asobo since my daughter actually likes it.

    Did they just grab random kids from the street for this show? The acting is absolutely horrible. Kyrary sucks btw. The eigo de asobo from before was way better.

  5. I am convinced that half of all foreigners I meet in Japan have absolutely no idea how to dry their laundry, resulting in smelling like fuuuucking disgusting moldy gym socks. Figure it out folks

  6. Been 6 months since I submitted my documents for PR. Still haven’t heard back. I have this ongoing paranoid thought that I might have written my address wrong on my postcard or that my writing was too messy.

  7. I have a business trip to Tokyo next month, first time going to Tokyo since 2019.

    However, I just found out that Devil Craft is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays?? What torture is this??

  8. I’m having the damndest time trying to find in-persno 手話 classes in the Kanagawa/Tokyo area. Everything I’ve found has started already and runs for a year (Tatsu no Kai, Machida Community Center), or is more of a circle/club. And since I just want to learn for fun I don’t feel comfortable intruding on someone’s already established circle.

  9. Do y’all prefer your external monitors to the left or right of your laptop?

    I’m currently thinking about getting a laptop stand so that my desk is cleaner, but where on the desk to place the laptop stand….

  10. Never had any issue using my national health insurance card at the doctor etc.

    But sometimes for other paperwork, it is expected that the adress is printed in the back, and employer on the front. Mine doesn’t have employer name and the back is a free form to write the adress yourself.

    Any explanation? Just curious.

  11. My motorcycle’s speedo needle goes limp and drops all the way to the right after I go past 110km/h. I’m really on the fence on whether I want to change it. Because the bike is an old bike, there are no more new meters on the market anymore and I’m not so cool about the idea that I’ll have to make a note somewhere and keep a mental track of the actual distance travelled on the bike.

    And if I do change it, should I change it to a new aftermarket meter or go with a 2nd hand same-model meter…

  12. Are there any zoning laws in Tokyo forbidding loud businesses from operating in residential areas? My street is all mansions except for this dance studio nearby that is in what looks like a residential building, and they like to stomp super loud for long periods, creating this thundering sound that I initially thought must have been heavy construction. How does one go about complaining about such a thing? Is there a zoning board or similar body that oversees this?

  13. Why haven’t they made a savory chewing gum yet, given how much snack companies like to cross snack flavors with each other?

    I’d kill for わさビーフ flavored gum

  14. I was taught early on (probably over a decade ago) that when a Japanese person compliments a certain feature of someone’s appearance that doesn’t fit within norms, they’re actually trying to communicate that it’s not okay (that whole proverb about the nail sticking out getting pounded down or whatever). Is that still a thing or are more people pretty straightforward with their compliments these days?

  15. My AC started leaking suddenly last night. Probably something detached due to an earthquake yesterday morning. Contacted the agency and they said they’ll replace the whole unit free of charge… I thought this was supposed to be an easy fix as the AC works fine otherwise. I’ve been here for 2 years (the AC is probably even older).

    Replacing the whole unit seems kinda inefficient to me, but I guess it’s time for it to go… thoughts?

  16. This is probably more a pre-covid thing, but has anyone met people from this sub IRL either intentionally or unintentionally?

    Edit: I was asking more about just 2 people meeting and becoming friends rather than organised group meetups btw

  17. I just overheard 2 ladies saying 変なで and 怖い after I said すみません trying to achieve a table to finally have my lunch at the work’s cafeteria.

    Japanese people need to remember that foreigners can learn their language as well.

  18. I know this is not the complaint thread but, I’ve been getting more and more depressed as each job rejection comes. I don’t know how to cope with this. I’m so tired

  19. Usually if they deliver a credit to you they would require a signature right? its been 2 months since i registered for the gym credit card and i have not idea whether i threw the letter thinking it was junk mail or did i miss out on scheduling a delivery.. my nihongo is too lousy to call them haha

  20. Yesterday while trying to take nap I heard a small boy crying «iyada, yamete» for like more than one hour. He would even scream and there were sounds like he was being beaten multiple times. I know hitting children fortunately got banned here a few years ago, but ofc it still happens (including my own country that banned it 30 years ago). I’ve just never heard a child cry like that (I live next to an elementary school so I am quite used to such), and I keep thinking of him 🙁 kawai sou 🙁

  21. Not the world’s most pressing issue but I didn’t buy enough individually wrapped omiyage from my home country for teammates, so one or two who were out of office have missed out. I also brought over some cookies in a tin but they’re not individually wrapped. In addition to that, the tin was semi-crushed in my suitcase. Should I hand those crumbly cookies out tomorrow or just leave it?

  22. Any recommendations for a driving school around Tokyo area?

    I have a driving license from my country but it already expired so unless there’s still a way to convert it, I’ll be starting from scratch.

  23. Can anyone recommend any good vegetarian/chicken broth ramen in either shibuya or shinjuku? on a raining day like today all i want is a nice bowl of ramen lol

  24. I saw Jack Daniel and Cola cans at my supermarket. I hadn’t had anything like that since Australia decided to tax the shit out of them.

    At 200 yen for a can, I couldn’t pass it up. A lot better than getting a 4-pack for around $30 back home. Tasted good, too. Brought back memeories of my younger days and good times during the summer.

  25. I’ve seen some people walking around with only half of their button-up shirt tucked in. Is this the next silly fashion trend we’ll see for a few months only for it to fade into history?

  26. in Matsue right now for a conference. The town is kinda sad, but Shimane prefecture is beautiful. Just saw Adachi Museum of Art and Izumo Taisha. Also apparently the hotel I’m staying at has an onsen? Good stuff

    lol at the sad downtown that’s like half Snack Bars that don’t look like they open half the week tho

  27. “Hello,

    I am contacting you concerning a business deal to move funds out of Russia to a safe foreign account. Your participation will be useful and compensated. There are no illegalities involved. Send me a reply and I will send you the full details. Time is of the essence. Looking forward to your response.”


    Gmail, how could you list this as spam!? This is the chance of a lifetime, I’ll be as rich as an astronaut!

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