RE: Losing job as Seishain – Thank you!

Hi all,

Sorry to create another topic (hopefully it is fine) but I just wanted to thanks this subreddit for the help and infos. I am the author of this thread:

Losing job as Seishain
by u/razorbeak1991 in japanlife

Update on my situation:
Things are now resolved. I got a mutual agreement which equals to roughly 7 months worth of salary. And cherry on top of the cake, my PR got approved 2 days ago.

Thanks everyone for the support, it helped me a great deal, at least knowing my rights and that I needed to fight back. Now I need to take some time to mentally rest up as this was honestly a very difficult moment in my life, but I can finally move on.

  1. always nice to hear about a victory! Glad it worked out for you in the end.

  2. Wow PR and 7 months salary. Go send some applications out and honestly just take a month or two off and relax.

  3. Also note, to my knowledge, severance pay gets taxed at a different (lower?) rate than normal income. In which case it’s actually more than 7 months of take home.

  4. 7 it’s nice, not too shabby at all. Hopefully you can find a new job quick. I’m asking mine for 12 months because it’s much harder for me to find a new job. Already 5 months in…

    If you were making over 300k and/or have dependants on your medical insurance, usually voluntarily continuing your current shakai hoken provider is cheaper, until you start at your new job.

  5. That’s awesome. Did you mediate through a lawyer? Seems extraordinarily generous that they gave you 7 months.

  6. I’m so happy for you! This calls for a collective cold one cracking in spirit of your victory!

  7. Congratulations! Did you end up going to court or did you just come to an agreement with your previous company?

  8. Congratulations; 7 months is amazing! I remember your story and how they burned you out and then “asked” you to quit; you got an even better deal than the standard.

    Enjoy that nice long vacation so that you can come back to the work force fully rested both physically and mentally. Very happy to see someone come out on top when dealing with one of these kinds of employers!

  9. Congratulations! Now get a job soon and you’re doing well. Remember things sometimes get quiet August so try to build momentum in your job search in June and July. Finding a job, is a job. Approach it accordingly!

  10. Love to see the absolute fucking asshats in the original thread that were being dicks (and wrong) for no reason get proven wrong.

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