Japanese Tachi gui Soba ando Ubon

Japanese Tachi gui Soba ando Ubon

  1. Standing eateries are mainly located inside or in front of train stations. They are quick to serve, inexpensive, and delicious! It is Japanese fast food.

  2. The fuck is that title….

    If you’re going to write it in Japanese then do so but don’t do some weird half and half thing.

    “Japanese stand and eat soba and udon”

    There you go op.

  3. I didn’t know how to use chopsticks well when I came to Japan, and upped my game just to be able to try one of those (I didn’t want to be fumbling around, since they seem to have a fast tempo of people going in and out). I was not disappointed. There was one I used to go to that had very nice tempura in their mini don sets.

    Your post made me want to go to one again.

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