Dentist in Tokyo

Hello. Does anyone know of a good English speaking dentist. Last time I was over charged with hidden fees. I just need my teeth clean. I try to go once a year (I should go more…) and possibly some mouth guard at night as I grind my teeth. I just don’t want to pay ¥20,000. I looking for a teeth cleaning covered by insurance. Thank you

  1. I have tried Hitomi Dental Office, Akasaka. It’s possible the main doctor may not be as fluent but there are assistants to help with the language and the receptionist could speak English well.

    Hitomi Dental Office Akasaka

    About the fees, even if a dentist is charging less with the insurance they will likely schedule you for multiple cleaning sittings and charge you the amount for each. You may be able to ask for a one-sitting cleaning but that is likely not covered by the insurance.

  2. i can not recommend hillside asakasa dental clinic enough. dentist speaks fluent english, they take insurance, no bs repeat visits. basically solved all my dental issues for very cheap. it might be a bit out of the way but it’s highly worth the trip imo

  3. I’ve been going to Yamate Dental Clinic in Nakameguro for years (since my previous dentist screwed up a repair. Very modern methods and no complaints.

    Website looks a bit old, but don’t let that put you off.

    Btw, I think the insurance rules changed about a year ago to allow up to one hour cleanings still under insurance. Could be some places still try to split into two sessions to charge a bit extra.

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