Looking for teachers to participate in a questionnaire on teaching with technology in Japan

If you have taught in the Japanese education system between 2013 to the present I would appreciate you answering this survey on the use of technology. All teachers are eligible, I would especially like some more Eikaiwa teachers to answer.

**This has been admin-approved.** Your answers will be anonymous and the questionnaire has been ethically approved. Depending on your experience teaching in Japan it may take between 10 to 30 minutes.

Questionnaire link [https://forms.gle/yMh2QfRFWbJ8NSCk8](https://forms.gle/yMh2QfRFWbJ8NSCk8?fbclid=IwAR2J5nAO2R3fhA7SMilWCmhCdcIMX7EcJYOCEsiK5pKXp8ISsv6WFQHJzT0)


**Project Title**

An investigation into the impact of technology on English teaching in Japan and its implications for language education in a Japanese eikaiwa environment.

This study is being conducted as part of my Masters’s TESOL degree at the International Education Institute at the University of St Andrews. We invite you to participate in a research project regarding the use of technology in the eikaiwa (English conversation schools) sector in Japan. You will participate in an online questionnaire that could take up to 30 minutes. If you are interested, please read the Participant Information Sheet I’ve attached to the questionnaire or get in touch using the details there. You will if needed have the opportunity to ask questions, before being asked whether you consent to participate.

  1. Done.

    There was a spacing mistake in one of the items, but I don’t recall which.

    Many of the questions about utility could do with a ‘Not applicable’ option.

  2. It only took me 3 minutes to fill it out since the form skipped a bunch of questions based on the type of school I teach at.

  3. Filled it in. Hope it helps.

    Question 4 has a typo.

    No (go to question 12, working in a non-**eikiawa** teaching position.

    Also question 17 seems to allow multiple selections for the benefit and availability of each category… though I’m guessing this was done to more easily add a large number of options.

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