Karaoke for people who suck at reading Japanese

What are the best karaoke places in Tokyo for English songs?

Last time I went to Big Echo in Akihabara and they had very little of what I was interested in singing, except a few Weezer songs.

Want to sing Johnny Cash or other classic stuff that should be obvious in the west.

  1. Kyu Sakamoto has a lot of songs that are slow paced, good practice to sing in Japanese.

  2. Both dam and joysound definitely have Johnny cash and thousands of classic English songs.

    Both those services are at pretty much every karaoke place.

  3. Maybe you just went to a bad Big Echo or went a long time ago? DAM (the system they have) has loads of Johnny Cash songs.

    If you want to sing a JP song but can’t read japanese that fast, I just went to a Big Echo and in the menu they had an option for romaji lyrics for JP song.

    Can’t remember the name of the option but it’s definitely available.

  4. For solo karaoke usually I just go to onekara, then bring my own audio interface, so that I don’t have to use their app. With a bonus of being able to record too, and listen to my miserable voice after.

    Another way maybe use joysound’s phone app to navigate the karaoke (joysound) app to make it a bit easier. They have plenty english song too.

  5. I’ve never seen a karaoke place that didn’t have tons of popular English songs.

  6. I hear karaoke places have to pay a subscription for the service. I assume there are different level subscriptions that have different songs. I often search online only to not see the songs when I do sing karaoke.

  7. I was told that the karaoke system Joysound has more English selection than DAM (multiple times by the Karaoke operators)

    Could have changed though. You can check which songs are in the system online I believe…

    this is kinda close maybe?



    Not a ton, but..

    to be honest this totally kills my comment of joysound having more english songs, but maybe it just depends on the artist and as a whole joysound has more english song selection? I dunno.

  8. I don’t know if they still keep them under the counter but ask them for the English book. It might be easier to find the songs than using the tablet. They all basically have the same selection.

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