Is it OK to let my parents stay at my apartment for 1-2 weeks?

My parents want to come visit me later this year for about two weeks, and I was just thinking that it seemed a waste to have them pay for a hotel room when we would be out and about almost every day. I was thinking it might be easier if they just stayed at my place. It’ll be a bit cramped, but I figure it’s just gonna be a place to shower, sleep and keep their luggage.

I looked through my contract and didn’t find anything that would forbid this idea, but I figured it wouldn’t hurt to ask around here just to see if I am taking any risks without realizing it.

  1. I’d say it depends on your contract but you already checked

    My last place was strict on that but generally no one cared or paid attention. Neighbor got found out when he got too loud with his gf staying over doing you know what

  2. Is it privately rented/contracted between you and the real estate agency/landlord or is there a third party in between (your work)?

    If it’s the first case, it’s totally fine*. I never heard or saw a real estate agency trying to control the amount/frequency/etc of guests.

    Now if you are renting through your company, you might want to check their rules. They might be more strict with dumb rules like controlling if you can/can’t have guests.

    What’s your actual fear here?

  3. I don’t even need to read this….yes. it’s your joint. Just don’t be noisy.

  4. I have never heard of anyone being kicked out for letting their family stay temporarily on a vacation.

  5. Tbh the only time I’ve heard of issues with people staying over is in company housing (because your neighbours/coworkers can snitch haha), and in really really low cost housing. I’ve heard of that being a rule in very cheap places basically because they don’t want a bunch of people coasting in one 30,000 room.

    If it’s a normal apartment that you are renting with a standard contract I think you’ll be fine 🙂

  6. My old place said to contact them if someone would be there every day for more than a week or two (I forget which) but didn’t forbid anything. As the others said, make sure they aren’t loud or breaking the rules.

  7. Best thing to do though is not to ask the real estate company…. That way if it’s a problem you can say‘sorry. I didn’t know’. … they won’t evict you for that anyway

  8. Depends on your apartment. Is it a reasonable size to reasonably have more than a single person living alone? And is it at least steel frame or concrete? Probably fine. Or is it a 1k tiny wooden apartment (and so are all the other units) where it would only be reasonable for a single person to be living and your neighbors might be angry and complain if they hear a bunch of talking and other noise inside for two weeks? Then probably no

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