Maximizing studying from Instagram?

I follow quite a few Japanese teachers on Instagram who churn posts teaching JLPT grammar, which causes my explore tab to flood with Japanese grammar posts. So when I see a grammar structure that I want to review for later, I end up saving the post.

I’ve found a problem with this approach. Often times I will save a post with new grammar structure (sometimes without thinking) and then assume I will come back to it later.

**That almost never happens.**

I still want to learn from grammar posts from Instagram, but now, my “saved posts” pile is flooding with grammar posts that I want to learn from but don’t have time to comb through them all.

I was wondering if anyone has some tips on how to take all this information in my “saved posts” pile, and (for lack of a better word), “transfer” them into my brain. I’ve tried writing the contents of the posts down, but I’m so horribly disorganized right now that I often end up losing track of (or just straight up losing) the page containing what I wrote down, AND I still don’t remember what was on it…

Advice and relevant opinions appreciated.

  1. >I was wondering if anyone has some tips on how to take all this information in my “saved posts” pile, and (for lack of a better word), “transfer” them into my brain.

    I am going to be blunt. Saving posts on Instagram is as easy as one click, actually reviewing and learning from them is hard. It sounds like you need to roll up your sleeves and actually put in some hard work. This is like saying: “I saved a lot of workout videos on Instagram but then I never actually do them. And when I do, I get tired and give up quickly. Any tips on how to use those saved posts to get fit?”

  2. establish a target: go through x posts each day.

    also set a punishment if you don’t meet your target: you have to give your friend money that you can’t get back.

  3. i think a structured grammar guide, or a text book, would be much better than a random collection of instagram posts. grammar builds on itself and you need to understand key concept

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