visa and how it works

so my mother is paying taxes properly and has been working here in japan for 11 years, but recently her husband took a liking in the philippines and became a resident there. This guy also wants to divorce my mom because, my mom doesn’t want to live in the philippines but instead she wants to work here. She just went to the immigration to extend her visa but she only got one year. I don’t know what to do to help and our situation is kind of confusing. Does she need to find a new husband to get extended for 3 years(permanent)? or can she do it by herself without a japanese residence? since she has been paying taxes properly here for more than 11 years…..Il

  1. What visa does she have right now? Does she have a spouse visa? Does she have a work visa?

    If you look up the requirements for permanent residence, You can see whether she meets them.

    A one year visa is a one year visa. A three-year visa is a 3-year visa. A permanent resident visa is neither one nor three years, because it’s permanent, as in forever.

    Paying taxes is generally required, but that on its own will not get her a visa. If she’s in the situation where she’s dependent on a spouse visa, and that spouse visa might disappear because of divorce, it’s a very delicate thing. She needs to make a plan as soon as possible about where she’s going to live and how she’s going to afford it and how it’s going to be legal. She shouldn’t be pushing this on you, because you should be trying to manage your own life. She needs to figure it out.

  2. What visa is she on? And what visa are you on (unless you’re a Japanese national)?

  3. Looks like your step daddy wants to live on the cheap. The economy is probably eating away at his comfort level. People make decisions based on the economy all the time.

    If the distance is the irreconcilable difference, then divorce is an option.

    I don’t understand why visas should come between two people supposedly in love.

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