What ADD meds are available in Japan?

I had adderall in America and have the records to prove it. What’s the closest thing I could get? Is modafinil ever given for ADD? I heard Japan legalized something (with prescription) for ADD that basically turned into amphetamine after ingestion. That sounds similar to adderall but I don’t know what it’s called and only heard about it once.

Would the records I have make the process to get medicated here easier?

  1. Methylphenidate is available here. It’s a stimulant like adderall.

    I know modafinil is used for narcolepsy here but I haven’t seen anything saying it’s used for ADHD here.

    For something without a stimulant, Atomoxetine (name brand is Strattera ストラテラ).

    Having paperwork can definitely help but it still might be tough. Just advocate for yourself as much as you can.

  2. I’ve been on Adderall, phentermine, Vyvanse, and Concerta. The only one offered that I can suggest like other users is Concerta. Adderall tends to hit me hard and fast and I’m zooming. Concerta is a slower burn, lot of the same benefits without that insane stimulant blast off.

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