Made a Web App to practice Japanese with an AI through Real-Life Scenarios!

こんにちは皆さん!It’s been another couple of months since our last update when my co-founder Zero and I launched Iago, a chrome extension that helps you learn Japanese through the subtitles of your favorite shows ([\_made\_a\_chrome\_extension\_to\_make\_it\_easier/](

We’re excited to announce a new feature! Iago Scenarios, a new way to practice real-world situations with an AI. A way that we believe can help give you the confidence to engage in daily conversations in Japanese and hopefully remove the fear of making another mistake in public. (Maybe getting a sincere 上手 😲)

💻📲 **Website:** [](

**A Quick Overview**

For common things in your day-to-day routine like ordering food, checking out at a コンビニ, or checking into a hotel, you’ll be able to practice these situations through Iago Scenarios. This way, when you actually encounter these situations in real life, you can effectively communicate and navigate through them with ease.

⚡ **Grammar Feedback**

Iago provides you grammar feedback on every message you write. From figuring out your honorifics or getting your 丁寧語 correct, Iago’s AI will also be providing you tailored grammar assistance for the situation. We got your back 🙂

👀 **Recap & Review Your Transcripts**

Similar to what we’ve done for our extension, for all the words and grammar you’ve hovered over throughout the scenario will be available for recap and will automatically created as a vocab list on Iago. Additionally, all your sessions will be available for review, in case you’d like to go back and review your grammar.

📺 **Unifying Your Learning with TV**

Connecting everything to what we’ve built so far, words and grammar viewed on scenarios, vocab lists and even your favorite TV shows will all be connected through our web app. Fragmentation is an underrated problem within language learning and we wanted to build something that would help unify everything.

🙏 **We’re Still in Alpha**

Building a feature like this ended up with a lot more edge cases than what we’ve seen while building our Japanese parser for the Iago browser extension, so we’re currently using a **waitlist** to control the floodgates. We’re hoping to get everything available to everyone soon, but for the time being we’ll slowly roll people off to try out what we’ve spent the past couple of months cooking!

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned learner, I really hope Iago Scenarios brings an immersive, engaging, and cohesive language-learning experience to you. We can’t wait for you to try it and let us know what you think!

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to share your thoughts, ask questions, or report any issues. You can also join our Discord community to chat about your favorite shows, share learning tips, and request new features: [](

If you want to skip the line, we’ll soon release some invite codes on our Discord as well 😉

Thank you for being a part of our language-learning journey, and as always, よろしくお願いします!

Alex 🦜

  1. This looks really professional? Did you really make it all about yourself? Did you get funding from somewhere? Do you have investors or backers?

  2. What is the payment model going to look like and what prices can we expect? It sounds almost to good to be true

  3. Looks solid. I found it surprising that you only have software engineers on the team and not any educational/pedagogy specialists. That was a massive red-flag for me. AI takes a tremendous amount of control away from the educator, and it seems this is all hands off. Best of luck!

  4. I assume by AI you mean LLM? And is it just a plugin for ChatGPT/something similar or your own LLM?

    How did you validate the truthfulness of your “AI”s answers?

  5. what model is this trained on? is this just using OpenAPI tools? are you aware of how much LLM’s hallucinate, and are you mitigating the risk of reinforcing bad education in anyway? have you tested your application with native speakers, or just other students?

    it’s also kinda concerning that you’re advertising it as AI powered here, but at a glance I don’t see a word of that on your page for scenarios.

  6. we’re about to be FLOODED with an endless stream of these. buckle your seatbelts

  7. How do we know the outputs are actually good? Are the outputs vetted by actual Japanese speakers? We don’t want to learn the wrong things

  8. Welp

    Lmk when you’re hiring for a community manager I guess.

    I-it’s not like I’m impressed or anything!

  9. Something I’m definitely interested in, however the only option is signing in with a google account and that’s gonna be a hard no from me.

  10. I found out about this tool maybe a week ago and i am beyond impressed with it and use it everyday. I also can’t wait for the new feature. You did an amazing job and i hope you continue to develop it further.

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