Shinanami Kaido Cycle Route

Is it feasible to stay at a hotel in Hiroshima for the night and take the shinkansen to Onomichi in the morning, finish the route in <10 hours and then take the shinkansen to Osaka?

Basically wondering what the logistics should look like to make this happen

Help is much appreciated! First time organizing a trip by myself!

  1. It’s possible. But it would be a long day. Your biggest hurdle would be getting to Imabari with enough time to catch the bus/train/Shinkansen combo to Osaka that evening. You’d want to make sure you have a bike that you can take one way (I believe there is at least 1 or 2 companies that let you do this).

    At the end of the day, you can take a JR train from Imabari to Okayama and then transfer and get on the Shinkansen. That’s probably what I would do in your situation.

    My wife and I just biked part of the Shinanami. We did 60km in total over 8 hours with breaks for pictures, eating, and some rest. We probably were only biking for a total of 4-5 hours during that time

  2. It is doable, but if you can, travel to Onomichi and stay overnight there instead to give yourself a bit of the headstart.

    It takes around 3.5 hours to travel from Imabari to Shin-Osaka station, taking a local JR train to Okayama, then transferring to a Shinkansen. To be able to catch the last Shinkansen of the day, you should reach Imabari station by 7pm. Use the Navitime app to check on the exact times. Therefore you need to start riding no later than 9am, assuming the 10 hours you allocated.

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