Advanced Japanese Learning Apps

Hello, everyone. I have a little request. I’m looking for the apps that suggest a somewhat more complex approach to learning Japanese. Like Elevate for English, if anybody knows. The apps where you are not only kinda skim through words, kanjis, grammar points one by one, or do basic exercises, but where you can try more interesting tasks, puzzles, anything, with the bits of reading, listening, maybe academic or fiction texts. Something that even a native speaker would use to improve themselves. Thanks in advance!

  1. >Something that even a native would use to *improve* themselves

    I’m not sure if such thing exists, because stuff like 四字熟語クイズ are just games and bragging rights rather than learning to improve, if you ask me. Gamifying is good, but above certain point it turns into *nobody uses this word anyways, time is better spent elsewhere*.

    Reading 日経 or something is probably more effective imo. Bunch of critical thinking, exposure to concise sentences and paragraphs, among other things. And it’s not going to teach obscure words that nobody knows or cares.

  2. (With permission from the mods)

    I’m not 100% sure this is what you are looking for, but we have two quiz types that are a little more complex than the usual multiple choice.

    One is our “whats the time?”
    [time screenshot](

    And a conjugation practice quiz, where you can practice conjugating from any form to any other form:
    [conjugation screenshot](

    We also have many interactive stories, which might be a bit more advanced? We added voice over audio from native Japanese speakers. There is line highlighting that matches the audio too, so you can listen along while you read if you prefer.

    [stories screenshot](

    [stories screenshot](

    There is a lot of free content, but some of these features are “premium”. I’m more than happy to upgrade your account to premium (for free) if you would like to try it out. Just shoot me a DM after you register and I will upgrade your account.

    **Full disclaimer**: We’re only a small team. We have two excellent native, experienced Japanese teachers (no AI, all hand written!), one media manager and myself as a developer.
    So there may be some rough patches on the site, feel free to let us know if you hit any issues! We’re chipping away every day at adding more content.

    The site:

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