~ ⭐ SUBS-titution ⭐~ A fun thread for the here and there lines of translation you noticed were off, and how you’d have put it!

Eg. Kill la Kill, ep one.

Kid steals a half eaten lemon, the girl jokes about him being desprate for a first kiss, and he said he’s already had his.

She says “じゃあ もうこの世に未練はないね” Translated as such

Boy: “I’ve already had my first kiss!”

Girl: “Then there truly is no such thing as regret in this world anymore.”

Boy: “that’s my line”\*proceeds to fight\*

(Pretty clunky, and honestly doesn’t make much sense.)


This is mine.

Boy: “I’ve already had my first kiss!”

Girl: “Good, then you won’t have any lingering regrets in this world-”

Boy: “That’s my line!

(Cleaner, and actually represents the snarky implication he’s “not gonna leave this fight alive”.)

\—-Have fun, have at it! Share the wonders of your Japanese Journey!

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