Optimal anki template and strategy for word/sentence deck — focus on Japanese to English? Audio on the front? Beginner with kana reading/writing skills only. Am I practising listening or reading or both? Should I have a target word plus an example phrase or just the phrase itself?

I’m spending way too much time setting up an Anki deck and going around in circles getting hooked up on what is “optimal” from a language learning perspective.

Should I just focus on Japanese to English sentences? If so, should I have the audio on the front of the card? Or should I have separate cards for reading and listening?

Or should I have two cards per note: Japanese to English and English to Japanese? I read somewhere that at this stage it’s best to just focus on Japanese to English.

At this stage the front of my card displays the Japanese sentence / word including furigana via <ruby> tags and set so furigana appears on hover. The back then shows the English translation and any notes I may have added.

Another option I guess is to have a “target word” and then an example sentence?

I suspect I am overthinking this, but trying to get clear on whether I am practising listening or reading or both and how this is reflected in my card setup.

1 comment
  1. Front of the card should be what you want to recognize/recall, i.e. if you have a japanese sentence/word on the front, you want to be able to recall reading and meaning, so ulitmately that’ll improve your reading ability. Most people use either a sentence or word on the front and then have the reading, translation, and audio on the back.

    If you want to practice output, you would have the english on front and japanese reading + audio on the back. If you want to practice listening comprehension you’d have audio on the front and then the actual reading + translation on the back, and so on.

    Whether you use a sentence or word on the front is honestly up to you, both have their pros and cons. But if you don’t use sentence on the front, I would still have an example sentence on the back, as context is often important to understand the meaning. And honestly don’t worry about spending too much time configuring anki, it’s also what keeps the whole experience fun.

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