Laser hair removal for men in Tokyo (medical grade laser)

Does anyone have a recommendation for a reliable clinic in central Tokyo that offers medical grade laser hair removal for men?

I’m not particularly hirsute, just tired of dealing with the constant maintenance and grow-back rash/spots.

Looking to get VIO, chest and stomach done, ideally at a place that can handle lighter hair (brown, with a few greys and reds thrown into the mix for good measure).

If you know anywhere or have experience of laser hair removal in Tokyo, I’d love to hear about your experience. Most clinics I’ve checked out online have some people leaving bad reviews, so it’s hard to know which clinic to go for.

  1. I only tried once at Men’s TBC (Ginza store). Wanted to get rid of the neckbeard to make my morning shaves more efficient.

    I have quite thick/coarse hairs.

    Went there as they seem legit.

    The 2000yen trial was no laser, permanent electrical thing only. They removed 50hairs on the side. It worked, but skin didn’t react so well. Also painful AF and extremely laborious, would take dozens of session just for the neckbeard.

    They then quoted me for only one laser session for 10,000. It was super quick and not painful at all. Just 10min. Then they said that’s all I need. No need to come back. Was surprised they didn’t try to sell me into more sessions but OK.

    Gave it a few days later hoping results. But it didn’t work at all. No visible change, hair is still there as it used to.

    Basically that was a waste of time and money for me. But could depend on hair type I guess.

  2. [Gorilla Clinic]( They use a variety of machines you can choose from, including Mediostar which is [FDA approved]( as far as I can tell.

    I had it done almost everywhere and it worked quite well, however laser removal may not be as effective if you have lighter hair (it’s not about the place, it’s a limitation inherent in the technology).

  3. I’ve researched them a lot and I think the main/good ones are Gorilla Clinic and Men’s Rize. It seems like the quality changes depending on the store/staff you want to use but they pretty much use the same tech and have a similar pricing structure (I think Men’s Rize is slightly better if you’re not going for beard).

    Saying that, I’ve been denied from both of them when I was signing the contract because I can’t read kanji. Despite the fact that we talked in Japanese for hours before signing and sensei gave the okay. So, can’t say much I guess :/

  4. Search for a clinic that has Gentle Lase/Max or Light Sheer, great results.
    Gentle Max: Gorilla Clinic, Aoba clinic, for example. SBC also has it but they dont let you choose so it’s a bit ot russian roulette.
    From all the machines I’ve tried I also feel it has the best balance between pain and results.

    But for popular clinics, be prepared to not be able to book a time in the weekend and have to come on specific hours on weekdays.

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