Typhoon prep as tourist

Hi, just wondering. I’m headed to Japan in a few days and I’m from Florida so I know the hurricane drill here, I know which websites to watch, which subreddits to watch, what to do, etc. I would like some info/advice on dealing with typhoons if this were to occur while I’m visiting Japan. Is there a good subreddit for this? A good website in English? (I don’t speak Japanese). Information on shelters in case of an emergency? Just trying to be prepared in case of an emergency.

  1. Currently there are no real threats of a Typhoon. There’s one over by Guam but it’s likely to head to Taiwan, not Japan. Maybe Okinawa might be a risk but right now it’s mostly looking like Taiwan.

    Honestly the best thing to do would be to change your plans and stay in your current spot or quickly move to your next spot before transport stops if it looks like an area you’re staying in or going to is going to be hit by a Typhoon. You would have plenty of warning to figure something out.

    You can just keep up with any weather app of your choice, doesn’t need to be in Japanese. The best thing honestly is to just follow the directions of your accommodations unless you’re staying in an airbnb. They would know the best course of action for your immediate location.

    But honestly the risk of a typhoon right now is low, and even lower that the one in guam would hit Japan and not only Japan but your specific location. Just enjoy your vacation and if anything happens, follow your accommodations directions. One that is more powerful than the afternoon 4:00 Florida monsoons you’re used to isn’t really going to pop up out of the blue.

    With Typhoons the biggest thing you have to worry about is just train stoppages and maybe flooding if you’re by a river or immediately on the coast where it’s coming inland at.

  2. [NERV](https://nerv.app/en/) app is great, it will give you any warnings in your area (landslides, quake alerts, heavy rain, flooding, high winds, etc). Any local level information will be on TV regarding evacuations.

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