Question about accommodation in Tokyo for foreigner?

Moving to Japan in the fall questions about accommodation

I will be attending a vocational school in Shinjuku City , I just have some questions regarding accommodation

1.Where would be an ideal location that would be close to this school but also cheap

2.I’m gonna start the process of calling these agency to potentially rent these places will it be difficult with the language barrier?

3.What are some of the websites that you guys recommend for foreigners looking for accommodation?

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  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Question about accommodation in Tokyo for foreigner?**

    Moving to Japan in the fall questions about accommodation

    I will be attending a vocational school in Shinjuku City , I just have some questions regarding accommodation

    1.Where would be an ideal location that would be close to this school but also cheap

    2.I’m gonna start the process of calling these agency to potentially rent these places will it be difficult with the language barrier?

    3.What are some of the websites that you guys recommend for foreigners looking for accommodation?

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