A weird guy on train keep asking for money and suddenly took a photo of me

Due to flexible work nature I seldom go to office during peak hour, but this week I am still waiting for internet installation and I have early meetings so I have to rush with normal people these few days, and today on train there was a weird guy:

I stood next to that guy since the beginning of my train journey, and because I have a somewhat larger bag to carry with so I just hold those bar firmly to prevent myself from moving even when people squeezing in. Suddenly that guy started to talk to me, with his very fast tongue + my broken Japanese I have no idea what’s going on, until he took off his glasses, pointing to it, and I hear the keyword “16 万”, so probably he’s trying to ask me to pay for his glasses, however nothing had happened (100% sure I didn’t touch him) and his glasses were just like new. He just keep talking and I didn’t respond to him (the train journey is only \~20mins so I decided to wait until I get off), he suddenly tried to grab my arm to move me away I just responded “what the fuck you are doing? don’t touch me” (Yes, in English). He realized I don’t understand Japanese and he used translate to just repeating “Let’s go to police together” or “Do you want me to call police?”. Of course I won’t go with him, he also didn’t make any call, and after a few minutes he used his phone to take a photo of me (it’s difficult to escape given that was so crowded on train), eventually he left the train before I get off (he still looping “police” thing when he left) not quite sure what he’s going to do with my photo, any thought? Or I am just too worried about it?

  1. Pretty sure he was just trying to scare you into paying up. These low lives try to scam people like that quite often.

  2. Did you break his glasses or something? 160,000 yen glasses??

    I’m sorry you had to experience that, but in the future, don’t leave your backpack on and stand by the doors to force people to shove into you. That’s how you cause trouble.

  3. This has all the hallmarks of a scam. If anything comes of this, which I don’t think it will, you didn’t do anything wrong, you didn’t break any glasses, you don’t know what the crazy man is talking about.

  4. First off, where was this? Second, could you have broken anything if his or hit him with your bag? Reeks of a scam, definitely wouldn’t be worried. In the almost impossible scenario he does contact cops and they miraculously find you there’s no evidence of anything.

  5. Either you accidentally whacked him with your bag and broke his glasses, or he’s a loon and you should forget about it. If we dwelled on every interaction with loons on public transport we’d all be miserable.

  6. To avoid this in future (or accidently whacking anyone else in the face) the courteous way to wear a bag on a crowded train is to flip it on to your chest. If you can’t do that, put it between your legs instead.

  7. The correct response was to drag him into an alley and break his face and tell him that nothing happened.

  8. Scammers gonna scam. *You* should call the police in that situation and make sure you take a picture of him and his supposedly broken item.

    Record everything.

  9. Ok, the Shibuya creep has levelled up his game. There was that guy in Tokyo and Kanagawa stations begging foreigners for money and showing them his terrible eczema. He was wearing glasses and was super creepy.

  10. I think you should have told the train staff that some guy was trying to scam you right on the train.

  11. Ugh I hate people like this. I’m glad you’re safe.

    In my case I look Asian and often get mistaken for Japanese. I’m also very pregnant and very nauseous.

    One time this guy was pushing past people and screamed at the old guy sitting beside me in the priority seats to stand up so he could sit. Poor old guy did and this guy sat beside me. He STANK. Did not help my nausea at all. So I covered my nose with my handkerchief that I put some Vicks on just so I won’t barf on the train.

    This guy is FURIOUS that I dare cover my nose and mouth. He screams at me and I ignore him. Then he stands and continues screaming.

    I then take off my headphones and say, “I’m pregnant. FUCK off.” Then put my headphones back on. Realizing he wasn’t gonna get through to me, he sat his ass back down.

    Was tempted to stop inhaling my Vicks and just let pregnancy nausea take over and barf on him. But I really hate barfing so I took steps so I won’t.

  12. The photo part is shoganai because you are in public space (even though it’s uncomfortable for sure). Just ignore him. Going to the police is just a pain in the rear as the police here is not necessarily interested in pursuing the truth, but maintaining peace. So there is a chance that they’ll keep you for investigation because you are not Japanese etc. (they can make up excuses for that).

  13. This isn’t uncommon. Some people try to act like your “broke” their already broken iphone so they expect money in return.

  14. I’m sorry, but if he’s walking around with 160,000 yen glasses, he should get insurance on them, or else just go to Zoff and get a 10,000 yen pair like the rest of us.

  15. I would inform the station staff or the nearby Koban about this guy. Taking pictures of people without their express consent is a big no-no. He’s also harassing people and the police should probably be notified of this guy’s presence.

  16. I was a witness to a similar scam at a subway station! But this was involving two young ladies and a smartphone.

    There was a collision and one of the girls dropped her phone and showed that the screen was broken. She was demanding money for a new phone from the other girl. The other girl was mortified and even got out her wallet on the verge of tears. But quite a few of us waiting for the train had seen her hanging around and holding the phone on the platform before this incident happened and its screen was already shattered. The phone didn’t even turn on, it was probably a dummy especially for the scam.

    Eventually enough people called bullshit and one salaryman said “Then let’s call the police to resolve this properly.”

    Suddenly the girl didn’t seem to care about her broken phone anymore and marched away as fast as she could…

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