Is Todai Easy Japanese premium worth it?

I apologize if this has been asked before.

I’m interested in getting the Life-time subscription for *Todai Easy Japanese* but I’m not sure if it’s worth it. For reference, I’ve only ever used the app for reading a text or two here and there but have taken advantage of the sample tests. *Note: I obviously plan to use it more often if I’ve purchased the lifetime subscription.*

It’s currently $25 for the “Forever” subscription, and I’m wondering if it’s worth that much for just sample tests? Are there other (FREE) apps that would be more worth my time and money?

  1. I got the lifetime subscription for that price long time ago. Even if you use it every now and then I think it’s worthy. Satori Reader is also a good one but more expensive. But also worthy if you use it often. It has free stories that you can read as well

  2. I bought when it was on sale some time ago. I think I paid about $20, not sure. I’m not prone to buying apps, but I can say this one was worth it. Has some bugs every now and then, but it has some nice features that make up for it (selective furigana according to JLPT level, dictionary and grammar guide, etc.).

  3. Personally I find it worth it and even at $20 would do it in a heart beat. Pay attention to the pop ups in the app though. I bought lifetime for only $13 through one of those.

    The reason I like it:

    – The build your own flash card process and constantly updated news stories sortable by N level difficulty and topic category is super worth it imo. You can also have it highlight jlpt level words, and show furigana for only certain N levels so you don’t use a crutch on what you already know.

    – I’ve heard (haven’t been able to confirm) that their practice tests are the real JLPT previous year tests, and they seem to be updated pretty regularly so there is a lot to practice with. Like I said I can’t confirm the ‘real’ claim but I have taken the practice tests and they are Very in-depth, follow what I know of the real JLPTs and are a great way to judge your progress (they even include a cute real looking certificate when you pass!)

    – you can click a jlpt level and easily go to a premade flash card bundle of all the vocabulary you should know for that level.

    – They have a video section where they have real news and YouTube videos sorted by difficulty and include vocabulary lists etc for the videos so you can practice natural listening with native speaker content.

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