Trevor Bauer’s YouTube channel might be a great learning resource.

Hello everyone, there is a professional baseball player, [Trevor Bauer](, who recently moved from Major League Baseball (MLB) in the United States to Nippon Professional Baseball (or JBPL) in Japan, specifically Yokohama. He has a vlog style YouTube channel that chronicles his days as a professional baseball player, and now that he’s in Japan he also interweaves some content about the culture. I personally find it *very* interesting when he compares the MLB and their routines to the routines of the NPB. It’s fascinating to see what’s the same and what’s different.

The reason I posted here is because he has two channels, an [English Channel]( and a [Japanese Channel]( The videos are always the same so it could be fun to listen to the Japanese version, try to figure out what he’s saying and then see how right you were with the English version.

~~A “complaint” (using that term loosely) is that some of the Japanese videos are English with Japanese subtitles and others are Japanese dubbed (with very quiet English underneath), which I personally think are better for learning. That being said, in the most recent video he did ([English version](, [Japanese version]( he talked to some employees in a sports store who watch his channel and asked if they preferred the subbed version or the dubbed version and everyone there said they preferred dubbed, so *hopefully* in the future he will make more dubbed content.~~

Edit: I don’t know where I got this idea lol. Quickly scrubbed through each of his videos on the Japanese channel and all of them are dubbed in Japanese with the quiet English underneath.

As a heads up, I’m a total noob at Japanese so the dubbed content might not be up to snuff (and the voice “rubberbands” which makes it hard for me to keep up), but either way I figured it would be worth the post. Hopefully some of you enjoy it and find it useful.

  1. Does he teach you how to say “At least two women have restraining orders against me.” in Japanese?

  2. Thanks for the great post. Nice to see some baseball content on the sub (I find it’s a easier to connect with many Japanese people over baseball than it is with anime).

    I do think it’s worth mentioning, though, that Trevor Bauer is a terrible human being, which is why he was suspended from the MLB and now no MLB team will sign him. I used to cheer for the Baystars because the fist NPB game I went to was at Yokohama stadium, but after they signed Bauer, I just can’t anymore. He does make very informative content if you can get past that, though.

    Another good baseball-related channel to check out would be [Kawasaki Munenori’s]( Also check out his English interviews from when he was playing in North America for some quality entertainment.

  3. Not sure where you got JBPL, Japanese baseball is NPB. I’m guessing you mixed it up with CPBL?

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