Costco Frozen Salmon to Sashimi

Costco Frozen Salmon to Sashimi

Costco Frozen Salmon to Sashimi
by u/kawi-bawi-bo in sushi

  1. I smoke these when they’re on sale, mash it up and put them on bagel 🤗

  2. Theoretically, wouldn’t this work for any frozen salmon? Or it Costco special?

  3. I hate to be this person dude, but any raw fish other than Sashimi grade Seafood, isn’t entirely safe to eat that way. The reason being Sashimi grade fish is Flash Frozen, and this process destroys and eliminates bacteria that don’t happen just from regularly freezing fish.
    You do you bro, but I don’t think we should really teach other people to do this.

  4. Yeah, na bro. Sashimi grade is salmon that’s been flash frozen to eliminate bacteria.

  5. Do you ever just use the farmed salmon at Costco then that’s not frozen? That’s what I typically use for cheap salmon poke/nigiri when I feel like it.

  6. This guy is sponsored by Costco, trust me. Just saying, he wears the shirts in some of his videos. 🤔 Hmmm…. I love to cook and I love Sushi and appreciate the effort, prep and simplicity that is offered on the plate. Not talking bad about this guy and love some of his videos. But…do not trust this one and also the Walmart $10 tuna sashimi video of him. Not sure and would need more info about this.

    I would love to do sashimi, sushi anything Japanese food. Love the food 🤤😀, there is a reason I eat out instead of making. Need more knowledge and I’m in a small town so sushi at home is not an option for me. Just saying 👍😉

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