Bicycle Insurance, but registration is in another person’s name


I have bicycle insurance, but my bicycle is under my friend’s name who left Japan long ago, and the registration papers have turned blank, ink so old it has evaporated.

I’ve read the other posts about registering a bicycle without the previous papers etc and it seems difficult, I don’t mind riding the bike as is since I never had a problem with police checks, I just tell them the name of my friend and they let me go, but what happens if I get into an accident with that bike that isn’t “legally” mine ? Am I still covered by insurance ? Or does it not matter whose or which bike I am riding when it comes to insurance covering. There’s nothing mentioning registration on the insurance papers

I did not have to fill in any bike registration info while purchasing insurance btw.thanks!

  1. Insurance is not on the bike, it’s on you. The registration is only for theft prevention.

  2. You can fill out one of these “tranferral of ownership” forms w your friends info and get it registered to you legally

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