Disability/illness accommodations at work

I’m not well versed in Japanese law, so looking for some help here. I was hired during covid for a job that promised a flexible work policy. Basically, I was fully remote. Now they’re asking everyone to come into the office at least half the time.

I have some medical conditions that result in extreme fatigue. Commuting to work and being in the office decreases my quality of life. But I am physically able to go to the office.

I’m not sure what illnesses qualify as disabilities in Japan, or what accommodations are possible. Can a doctor recommend remote work for me? Do I have any options, legal or otherwise to ask for remote work? My contract states a hybrid policy, so no leverage there.

  1. I can’t speak from a legal standpoint, but a little from experience. My husband has a number of medical conditions that make commuting difficult (he has a proper disability pass and was hired under a contract for workers with disabilities). He has been promised numerous times that he could do some work from home, etc. and it never materialized.
    My first question would be was it in your contract and do you have it in writing. Verbal promises aren’t really worth that much here (to speak plainly).
    Next, do you have a 診断書 (shindansho or doctor’s note) to explain your condition and how it affects your work? That might be a good place to start when talking with HR, etc.

  2. A doctor can recommend anything they want, but the only legal effect a diagnosis has is whether you can take extended sick leave or not. A doctor can’t force your work to accommodate you beyond that.

    Also, commuting to work and being in the office decreases everybody’s quality of life. Not exactly a great argument.

  3. Have you spoken to your employer or at least HR dept. about this? it’s hard to give any advice without hearing your employer’s stance on your specific situation.

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