Rice cooker for one?

Hello everyone, I currently live alone in my micro apartment and up until now I’ve been cooking rice using 土鍋, but it’s quite annoying and takes some effort and skills.
Could you recommend suihanki for one person (one/two portions of rice)? There are too many brands and I’m confused. I need something compact as my space is very limited, yet something reliable and preferably affordable. Most of the machines are quite big and designed for families…
Thank you in advance!

  1. Use a regular size cooker and just make smaller portions or make more and freeze it saves a lot of time

  2. at most NITORI you can find rice cookers that are pretty small and compact, cheap too. ~¥3000 if i remember correctly. basically designed for 1-2 people as the water and rice quantity lines go pretty low so you can cook pretty small portions

  3. I’ve seen 1 cup rice cookers at amazon. There are even ways to cook rice in the microwave if you are not really particular with your rice.

    But I think a 3 cup rice cooker would be better so you don’t have to cook rice often and is not very big. I got mine from nitori.

  4. Cook a lot of rice on one go. Rice can then be wrapped up (or tupperwared) in portion sizes and stuck in the freezer. Microwave a portion before eating. Save a hell of a lot of time and electricity.

  5. You could get the smallest instant pot – it works for cooking rice but will also work for other stuff (it’s a pressure cooker and slow cooker in one, probably the kitchen appliance I use the most these days)

  6. daiso has a special rice-cooking pot you put in the microwave and it’s perfect for making only 1 or 2 portions. fairly small and not expensive at all, unless you just had your heart set on an actual rice cooker.

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