Purchase above credit limit on Apple store japan

Hey guys, I have credit limit of 280000 yen for buying product from apple store in paidy plus account, but I want to buy a Macbook 14 pro m2 on installment. The base model’s price is 288800 yen in apple store which is 8800 yen higher than my credit limit. Is there any solution to buy that product? I am thinking about visit apple store physically and talk to staffs to pay some in cash and some on credit. Does anyone have best idea? please help me.


  1. Can you pull the overshoot out of an ATM and pay it cash at the Apple Store? Many stores allow you to split up larger payments between several payment methods.

  2. Outside of raising your limit you’ll have to go in person and see if you can do split payment of cash and card. If they won’t (which they should most stores even ask if you want to do cash and card) then your only option is to buy a product that is more in tune with your credit limit/finances.

    Otherwise this is mostly an issue between your bank and your personal finances as opposed to an issue with apple and there’s not much we can help you with.

  3. The solution is called MacBook Air.

    With M2, it’s almost as good as MBP, the display size difference is like 4%, the resolution difference is some, though not crucial; the real difference is the number of ports I think.

    P.S. do max out RAM in either case, the minimum specs are OK today, barely, but you’ll need more RAM soon. I’d go with 32GB for work-related use.

  4. If you split payments on the credit card into 2 or 3 times, does that get you under the limit, or do they still authorise for the full amount first?

  5. Most credit cards have the option to temporarily increase the limit for a one-time big purchase. Look up your card name and 一時引き上げ to see if your card has it.

  6. You can call them up on the phone and they will split it across two credit cards for you. This can be done in English too.

    Edit: The last few times I’ve done this I split it between a Japanese issued card and a US issued card.

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