Trying to recognize a phrase that waiters say when giving you your meal.

I remember hearing once about a phrase that means something along the lines of “please enjoy/eat!”, but I could be conflating two phrases. I know that it ends as a past tense 〇〇ました, but that’s all I can recognize.

Thanks for any help!

  1. Usually they will say お待たせしました (Omataseshimashita) which is “(Sorry to have) kept you waiting”

  2. please enjoy to eat would be 召し上がってください。I dont think waiters say it, but someone who personally cooked food for you (e.g. a host or a private party with potluck style) or brought you an edible omiyage would say that.

  3. I think you heard they said:

    お待たせ致しました / おまたせいたしました

    お待たせしました / おまたせしました

    Thank you for waiting

    (If you translate it directly, it would be “I kept you waiting”)


    ご注文の品をお持ちいたしました / ごちゅうもんのしなをおもちいたしました

    ご注文の品をお持ちしました / ごちゅうもんのしなをおもちしました

    Here you are

    (If you translate it directly, it would be “I brought what you ordered”)

    As for “Enjoy your meal”, they would say something like these:

    ごゆっくりお召し上がりください / ごゆっくりおめしあがりください

    Enjoy your meal(without caring about time)
    熱いので気を付けてお召し上がりください / あついのできをつけておめしあがりください

    Because it’s hot, be careful when you eat it.

    Just so you know, 召し上がる(めしあがる) is a respectful word for 食べる(たべる) 🙂

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