How to say “….years old” all the numbers.


Does anyone have a complete list of all the number about age. The ones I find on the internet have only 1 to 30 and then they just skip everything in between and just show 40, 50, 60 etc.
I need to see all of them! Everything in between!
Please, help!

  1. It’s basically regular so since one year old is いっさい 31 years old is さんじゅういっさい and so on. Some years also have special names but はたち is the only one you really have to use

  2. Everything past 30 follows the same patterns, there’s nothing else you need to know.

  3. The only ones you even need to be aware of are the native-Japanese alternates of the first 10, plus “20” which is the more common of the two options. There *are* technically versions of 30, 40, etc. in the same pattern, but basically nobody uses them.

  4. If you have money to spare, you should consider buying the expensive but excellent NHK’s accent dictionary. It answers this kind of question for every single counter. And each entry is read by an actual NHK announcer, which is pretty cool.

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