How does なんて work and what does the な change here.

Good day dear community.

I would love to ask in case of this sentence.


Online TL gives me that the text would mean “I cannot believe that that’s a 2nd year with this muscular body.”

After some trying around I found out that after the なんて, the sentence “信じられませんね” for the “I cannot believe”.

Now I am stuck with what the なんて + な are doing in the orginal sentence.

Looking up なんて in dictionaries it comes out “what”,(form of surprise) “such”, “things like”.

As for the な i kinda guess it may be there for the purpose of the “I don’t”. But I am not sure rn.

  1. As for なんて, here’s a definition:

    (prt,adv) things like; something like; someone like; such a thing as; (the fact) that; to think that (expresses disdain, dislike, astonishment, etc.)

  2. なんてin this case expresses feelings like disbelief, surprise, admiration, etc. It is also used to emphasise what comes before.

    “No way a 2nd year is this muscular”

    The な is a sentence ending particle that’s not really translatable; it enhances the nuance of being surprised.

    仕事は嫌いだ。 I hate work.

    仕事なんて嫌いだ。I _hate_ work; but the emphasis is on work. You really hate work. なんて is there to emphasise that work really sucks.

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