Shooting in Machida

I guess someone got shot in Machida. As far as I know, they’re still on the loose.

Not too sure what’s going on, but they seem to have the ghetto bird in the air searching as well.


Forgot the [article](

  1. Saw helicopters and was wondering what it was all about . Thanks for the heads-up.

  2. Wow, Machida is going to be famous now…

    Better grab that real estate quick!

  3. Oh man. We were just having dinner at machida station when we saw the news. We heard the sirens and were wondering what was going on. Definitely rushed home as soon as possible and locked and shuttered all doors and windows. The helicopters are still flying over head.

    Machida has has lots of incidents over the years…

  4. wow, so many shootings in Japan.

    First it was in nagano today, and now Machida too?

  5. Crazy stuff. I’m a short walk from the station and heard sirens and helicopters all night. Yikes

  6. Wait, shootings? I thought there are no guns here in Japan? This is so scary

  7. So much violent crime recently. And involving guns. Is it time to start feeling unsafe in Japan?

  8. Hello, i live here (Machida) and I actually passed the crime scene on my way to home. Had the earthquake not occurred I might have been caught in the midst of shooting.

    Still … Shaking seeing the guy for CPR..

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