Most people in Japan want to use AI at work but worried it ‘will take away jobs’: poll

Most people in Japan want to use AI at work but worried it ‘will take away jobs’: poll

  1. Is it possible to paste an AI-generated image into a chatbot, then save it as an Excel97 file so that the OL can print it out for hankoing by the entire company?

  2. GOOD!
    Do they even know how many job Openings there are in relation to actual workers in Japan??

    Let AI take work away and Do the things AI cannot do yet. Win – win for everyone.

  3. If anything, I think Japan might be one of the best places to begin reducing hours/introducing UBI.
    Work here is *so* inefficient. A lot of it is kept to justify paying the livelihoods of the people who work. And it’s not like they pay much here.

    AI is going to force a reckoning, and hopefully, free people to have decent lives. (Although I have doubts they would know what to do with the time)

  4. Call me when AI can open an Excel spreadsheet and move around it mindlessly looking busy until 10pm.

  5. UPVOTE IF YOU AGREE. The solution is simple.

    For every Job that an AI does, the company must pay a standard wage salary to a random Citizen of its own country. Must also be capped at Human speed.

    let the company decide which is better, human or machine.

    problem solved. companies still pay for the profits they earn, instead of government tax, it goes directly to people, which then spend that cash back into the economy.

  6. They’re safe for now. OpenAI is yet to develop a hanko and fax machine plug in.

  7. Keep in mind that is why most of us are here too. To do work because of a need for more workers. I am a software engineer scared to death of AI. It’s got my anxiety peaked to the Nth degree. AI taking away jobs also means no need for foreigners as well. It starts to go hand-in-hand as it becomes more ubiquitous.

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