KanPractice now with ChatGPT Integration and more!

Hello everyone, you may not remember me, but I am the creator of KanPractice, Gabriel! Check out the ([initial release](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/qyz59e/releasing_kanpractice_an_opensourced_easy_and/) and [the 2.0 release](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/uj5nhc/kanpractice_the_vocabulary_card_learning_app/)) posts.

For newcommers, KanPractice is an android app that enhances your japanese studies with out of the box tests and practices for the vocabulary you save from your text books, daily routines, anime… Of course, the app is *Open-Sourced* and you can see the development process in its entirety [here](https://github.com/gabrielglbh/Kan-Practice) in GitHub, feel free to add issues or suggestions :). [Link to the store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gabr.garc.kanpractice).

As I was saying, the initial premise was just to create a simple card app to study words with the help of writing, reading, recognition, listening and speaking tests, but a lot has changed:

– Added **Folders** to arrange your lists
– Added **Stats** to see all your progress
– Added **Daily Tests powered by SM2 algorithm** ([spaced repetition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SuperMemo)) to boost your retention
– Added **Grammar Points** support with definition and examples (with MarkDown typing)
– Added an **Archive** to see all your saved words and grammar points
– And added many custom oriented settings to get the best of the app for you

But I wanted to add even more features to this app, as I use it everyday to enhance my japanese. I saw in **ChatGPT** a great source of study material, so I decided to include it. With the release of the 5.0.0, KanPractice includes:

– ChatGPT integration:
– New **Translation Tests**: in which ChatGPT randomly generates 20 sentences _with your own lists’ vocabulary_ and you have to try to understand and translate them.
– New *hints*: for some study modes (reading, recognition and listening), you will be able to request a hint for the prompted word. **ChatGPT** will randomly generate a simple sentence to help you get the right context of the word for you to understand it better.
– Added **OCR** for recognizing japanese from images taken from the in-app camera or from the gallery. From there, you will be able to select text from the image and **search it in Jisho** to add the vocabulary directly to your lists or just see a full translation of the text!
– Added **automatic translation** of Market’s lists and folders to your local language when downloading them
– Added **Speech To Text** support on Speaking Mode, which automatically validates the input
– And _at last_ added Google Sign In for accounts with automatic migration (if you already have an account with the same email)

As I do not want to false-advertise, sadly, not all features are free. All of them **except the OCR and ChatGPT related ones** are free. The reason behind this is that ChatGPT’s usage is not free for me, and as I am a solo developer I decided to put a **lifetime paid product** inside KanPractice for users who want to use it, try it out or _just to buy me a coffee_, for just **3,49USD or 3,89EUR**.

Of course, the app is still the same as the paid content just unlocks ChatGPT enhancement and OCR, so you may continue to use KanPractice as always or (if you haven’t) download it and boost your japanese on a daily basis without expending money!

If you have read all of this, thank you, it means a lot! I hope you enjoy this app as I do 🙂

Useful links:

– https://github.com/gabrielglbh/Kan-Practice
– https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gabr.garc.kanpractice

1 comment
  1. >ChatGPT will ~ get the right context of the word

    I wish it does that reliably enough.

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