Thought I had my COE when I entered Japan 2 days ago but now I realize, I don’t

Hey guys. I finally entered Japan for the first time two days ago all thanks to the awesome advice on this sub. However, upon heading to immigration at Narita airport, as they were making my residence card the lady asked me to give her my coe. I searched and searched but I couldn’t find it. I swore that it must be deep inside my luggage somewhere and told the lady this and she said that I could send it to immigration later via post when I did.

But after heading to my hotel and doing a thorough search I realized that it was not in my luggage at all and that I have lost it. My question is will I get in trouble for not sending it to them? Are there any steps I should work on ASAP to make sure everything is alright? I don’t want to make a mistake here without knowing I’m making a mistake.

Thanks so much for reading this.

Some stuff worth noting:

\-I am already in Japan

\-I have my visa and residence card.

  1. the COE isn’t stapled to you passport? that’s what the embassy did when i got my visa

  2. I’m not sure if they’ll be looking for you just for your COE. Just my common sense, if you have a residence card, you’re basically good to go.

    If it was needed, the lady wouldn’t have gave you your residence card. I might be wrong tho…

  3. What other documentation do you need upon arrival? Just to double check. This is what I’m bringing:


    vaccination certificates

    PCR test

    EFRS document.

    and how was the entry procedure otherwise? Did it take alot longer than usual, or how long did it take from landing until on the train/bus from the airport?

  4. If you’re there for work I’d honestly ask your employer what you should do.

  5. Hey. What happened in the end? I’m in the exact same situation now, but with the added caveat of being told by the embassy that I wouldn’t need the COE at all when I picked up my visa. That’s why I didn’t think twice about not bringing mine. I almost had a heart attack when immigration asked me for mine.

    The officer did tell me “It’s cool” when I said I don’t have the COE with me, but his English wasn’t the best, so I’m not sure what to make of that.

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