Is it true that only senior web dev is allowed for fully remote work?


I’m currently job hunting for a fully remote work. I work as a web developer on a startup company and most of my tasks are frontend. I have spoken to several recruiters who advertise in full remote work in LinkedIn and when I meet them via zoom they tell me that it’s for seniors only, and they give me job descriptions mostly in Tokyo and push me to relocate. The problem is that, I don’t have that kind of money for relocating in Tokyo because I just recently paid my debt which amounts to (450k yen), and also, all of the companies they sent me don’t have relocation support. Are there really no fully remote for junior web devs anymore in Japan? Or were they just straight up lying in the job posting to get potential applications?

  1. Slimy scumbag recruiter nonsense. Whilst Japan is slow on full remote; there are jobs out there. (Even in a junior role). Just be blunt with them, if possible ask to change agents? That would send a very clear message.

  2. Nah, don’t listen to them.

    And my experience with recruiters hasn’t been good either so far (same field as you), always dodgy about the benefits of the offer, doesn’t give a shit about you at all and your skills…
    Continue to search though, you’ll find a good company eventually!

  3. I’m looking for similar work and in Japan, would it be possible at all to get in contact with the recruiters you are speaking to? I would be really grateful!

  4. Not a senior and my company allows for fully remote. I have a colleague who’s working all the way from Europe and I might do the same from place to place when I travel, though prior authorization is required.

  5. Find a recruiter who will fight for you. A good recruiter will help you with your resume, do mock interviews with you, and negotiate salaries for you. It is best to use recruiters whom friends introduces to you rather than whoever randomly contacts you.

    Also a company which wont pay for relocation sounds super black. Most companies will pay that. It is good that you didnt join

  6. It’s bullshit but also kind of not?.. It’s not some official policy, but also I haven’t seen anyone mid level or junior tell the management where to go and keep staying remote like I have. Also remote jobs are popular so good luck competing with vastly more experienced devs for them.

    While in theory its not correct, in practice it could turn out that way. Just keep looking for remote anyway, you never know.

  7. Fewer than senior engineers but plenty of companies hiring junior engineers with 1-2 years of experience for remote positions.

    If you have literary 0 working experience as an engineer, then it would be pretty hard to find one if not impossible.

  8. Currently job hunting too, if recruiters tell me different things than the job postings, I just say I don’t appreciate false advertising and to be upfront with me if there are no jobs that I qualify for or if they don’t have jobs that does not match my requirements so we can move on, and tell them to contact me if something comes up but so far there’s none yet lol. Good luck on your job hunt

  9. My company is 99% remote work, and any time there is occasion to go in to their office in Tokyo, they will foot the bill for my travel from anywhere in Japan (it’s maybe once a month or so). There are pretty good setups to be had that are almost full remote, so it’s worth seeing what you can work out with employers who just want you to come in just once a month or so.

  10. Be sure to check out if you haven’t already. Best of luck!

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