To the people who watched him during the peak of his BC leader run – How good was he?

To the people who watched him during the peak of his BC leader run – How good was he?

  1. How good he is should be answered by the fact that Vince chose him to be the first Universal champion over Seth Rollins

  2. I didn’t get to watch prime BC Leader Finn, but I watched a lot of his UK matches before he departed for WWE, some of them I watched live at the show. He was as good as any wrestler I’ve ever seen in person.

    Just had the aura of a star and everything he did looked AWESOME.

    NXT Balor was a great representation of how good Devitt really is to be honest

  3. I wasn’t watching when it was happening but when I started watching on World he’s become my favorite leader by a long shot. The other leaders might have put on better matches, but Devitt was still tremendous in the ring, and what really put him over the edge for me was his character work. He had so much charisma as a heel and it was extremely believable. I also loved it when he put a black bag over everyone’s head lol

  4. Never got the big Heavyweight run so not as big as Kenny but Prince Devitt walked so AJ/Kenny could run…he laid all the groundwork

  5. His matches with Tanahashi were awesome, entering the G1 and finishing high in the table as a Jr speaks to how highly they viewed him.

    Devitt and Taguchi vs Golden Lovers, Devitt vs Ibushi, and Devitt vs Taguchi were amazing. If he stayed in Japan he would have had the heavyweight title instead of AJ.

  6. There was no one else to even compare him to. Gaijin hadn’t been pushed like that since the early 90’s late 80’s with Hansen, Death, Vader, etc. This was the same time they had the bloom of the “3 musketeers” and were heavily invested in them. Devitt ruled. Should have won the IWGP heavyweight honestly.

  7. Completely forgot he was a Armani Exchange Model at one point til I saw the logo on his trunks lol

  8. One of my favorite visuals is right after pinning okada, devitt puts the finger gun right to okada’s head looking like he’s gonna actually shoot a bullet through it, crazy intense and made him look like the biggest threat other than tana

  9. Finn was so good in Japan that my heart breaks any time folk over in SC call him bland. He had the aura of a timeless villain. BC may have hit the mainstream with AJ and Omega. But Prince Devitt lit that fuse

  10. devitt is my goat, he and KENTA just feel so different than everyone else to me

  11. One of my favorite entrances from Devitt was his zombie entrance against Ibushi at the Tokyo Dome. I think it is the genesis to the demon character as he was all painted up

  12. I just wish the average Monday/Friday watchers knew just how incredible he was. His match Monday with Shinske was a mere glimpse at what he can do.

  13. He was transitioning from being a junior to heavyweight during his heel run and most likely poised to become IWGP champion if he sticked around long enough. I watched his a fair bit of his Junior stuff and he was excellent at when he was mixing it up with the likes of Low Ki, Ibushi, Richard’s, and Omega. He was a great heel during his BC run and I loved his expletive filled promos. He had a real swagger to him that never was fully translated in the WWE (maybe his second NXT run was the closest to it idk).

  14. more than half of these comments are just opinions outside of OPs question lol.


  15. I remember thinking he was amazing and no one could replace him. AJ proved us both wrong

  16. It was something to see. I hadn’t known much about Japanese wrestling at that point but the noise this was all making was a big deal. I know this going to sound very anti WWE but I don’t mean it that way, however, he hasn’t even come close to the level of violence and bad ass society that he created with Bullet Club. Even his NXT run was like a parody of what it was like in 14’.

  17. Bullet Club Devitt matches had the perfect balance of heel interference and quality workrate. So he was having fast paced, flashy matches but still getting huge boos from the crowd.

    His Best of the Super Juniors run from the year he went undefeated is a great example of this. He’s having tremendous matches each night and getting big reactions. Particularly his match against Kenny Omega, which is also in Kourakuen.

  18. Very important more then anything.

    One of the first, modern NJPW, to lead a stable as a Junior and challenge heavyweights. Redefined how NJPW looked at main eventers and his success with the BC and foreign ace was a catalyst for them rolling the dice on AJ Styles. AJ was the best wrestler in the world when he walked into NJPW (funnily at that time you could make the argument that Tanahashi or Okada were #2, and any given night Nakamura and Naito could make a compelling argument for being the best) and he was the perfect person to hold the IWGP championship as a foreigner as there was no denying.

    If there was no Prince Devitt in the Bullet Club NJPW may not have bet on Kenny Omega.

    (Side note: it is not clear if he was the leader or KA was or if there was no leader in the first incarnation.)

  19. He and the faction were fresh and very smash mouth. It annoyed a lot of traditional types in the way I guess House of Torture does, but they suck and have no cool wrestlers. Devitt just reeked of star power, the idea was cool and you had this inkling that he could really kick off NJPW to a western audience.

    Subsequent leaders advanced things, but he kicked it all off. IMO, there’s no RevPro being a feeder to NJPW, there’s no NJoA, or LA Dojo. There’s definitely no AEW.

  20. All these comparisons to his WWE run, he was fairly in consequential up until he fought Ibushi at the dome but he’s always high level and his match against ibushi was really good, and he teamed well with rysuke and his heel turn was new and fresh but never hit his stride cause he was getting better with every match but Styles was much better as a talent

  21. The best around. And a real shooter. If it wasn’t for him, don’t think I would’ve cared about BC.

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