Quitting a コンビニ part time job

Hello everyone, as the title implies I’m seriously thinking about quitting my part time job at a convenience store. I won’t go into detail but I’m quite sick of the job in spite of only having worked there for about 2 months. Does anyone have any kind of experience with this type of situation? What is the proper etiquette for quitting? It’s my first time part timing in Japan so I’m not really sure how to proceed. Thanks

If anyone is curious the convini in question is Lawsons.

  1. Just tell your manager/boss you are going to quit 2 weeks ahead of your actual quitting date. If you want to be less confrontational, make up some excuse. If you want to be really less confrontational (and very in tune with Japanese fleeter cultural norms), make up some excuse as why you can’t go in for a few days, then another excuse for the next month, then another, and just ghost him entirely eventually (disclaimer: don’t actually do that last one).

  2. The convenient store’s hourly pay will never close to the work load you get. Just like the usually way, inform your supervisor of your last day of work, by law its 14 days, by courtesy a month ahead of time would be nice. If needs to provide a reason you could always use medical issue like back pain etc, or even can say you need to focus on study.

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