Too early to Prepare?

Hello I’m very new to reddit so sorry for the weird structured post I have wanted to apply for jet for a long time now but I am very far from being able to attempt I still have to Finish my miliary contract (I am in the air force for 2 1/4 years Ish left) then I will then finish around 2 more years of college so I have 4-6 Years before I can start prepping to apply for the program I wanted to start to learn Japanese so that I could have a better chance and so that If I did make it, it would be a better experience. Does anyone think learning now is too early for a “dream” that is 4-6 Years away or am i correct in giving myself this much time also if I am fine starting this early does anyone have any tips or resources to help me learn better (trust me I know learning the language is extremely hard I just want a basic understanding by the end of the 5-year mark). Thank you if anyone replies to this.

  1. Ex-Navy here,

    School, Bachleors, see where you wanna go from there. If you wanna be a teacher, get the teaching stuff done. If you wanna be an ALT in Japan, pick a good major that will pay later. Also, when you get out, make sure you get disability and whatnot. Theres a bunch of stuff in between you gotta look at before you even get to this point.

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