Hello I’m very new to reddit so sorry for the weird structured post I have wanted to apply for jet for a long time now but I am very far from being able to attempt I still have to Finish my miliary contract (I am in the air force for 2 1/4 years Ish left) then I will then finish around 2 more years of college so I have 4-6 Years before I can start prepping to apply for the program I wanted to start to learn Japanese so that I could have a better chance and so that If I did make it, it would be a better experience. Does anyone think learning now is too early for a “dream” that is 4-6 Years away or am i correct in giving myself this much time also if I am fine starting this early does anyone have any tips or resources to help me learn better (trust me I know learning the language is extremely hard I just want a basic understanding by the end of the 5-year mark). Thank you if anyone replies to this.
Ex-Navy here,
School, Bachleors, see where you wanna go from there. If you wanna be a teacher, get the teaching stuff done. If you wanna be an ALT in Japan, pick a good major that will pay later. Also, when you get out, make sure you get disability and whatnot. Theres a bunch of stuff in between you gotta look at before you even get to this point.
If learning the language is something you want to do, it could never be too early to start.