Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (May 27, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. きのう 友だちが 来た(   )、べんきょうが できませんでした。

    So the correct answer of this question is ので but can we use だから in that sentence? and why ので is a more fitting answer for that question?

  2. 1) 先生が学生(に)テストの紙(を)配る。
    2) 英語の試験(で)満点(を)取る。
    For sentence #2, why can’t we use particle に like in sentence #1?

  3. Today, in my katakana deck, I came across ツィンメルマン without any context. Searching through the internet in Japanese, the first result was the [Zimmermann Telegram](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zimmermann_Telegram) which gave the Americans reason to declare war against Germany during the Great War.

    My question is, why did his name warrant an entry in my katakana deck? Is it just for practice or is he often mentioned in Japanese textbooks when studying history? Or maybe my school’s history class just forgot to mention the details.

  4. For kanji like 紀、統、線、結、約、etc, do Japanese usually *hand*write left side as 糸 or 糹?

  5. How would you pronounce 方 in this case? Is it ほう used for comparison or かた for the way of doing something:


  6. So I was watching 志村けん and the one characters says to other “that …. that thing….” he says “That thing has a name right?” after a bit of back and forth she brings him to a room and shows him that there are dumbell on the floor and he replies “あれじゃなあいの あれっという。。。” I dont get it. Is it a pitch related joke or something but I cant find anywhere dumbells being called あれ with just pitch difference.

  7. What are differences between に対して に関して

    Like if I am talking about my Japanese ability and say something along the lines of 「ある日本語ができるようになっていて and I then want to narrow down the topic and discuss my specific skills(e.g speaking), would I follow it up by saying スピキングに関しては。。。or would スピキングに対しては。。。

    3年間である日本語ができるようになっていて、スピキングに関しては。。。。blah, blah blah。。。読解力に関すると (but when it comes to reading)

    In spoken language, there is generally considerably more leeway and flexibility when it comes to sentence structure and organization l compared to written form, but there is a poking where it sounds like gibberish and I am mindful of that

    EDIT: How do Japanese people tend to branch off the main idea?

  8. Looking to get a book to start learning. Any recommendations? I’m considering the first Genki books or remembering the Kanji.

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