A reassuring update from recent AEW signed tag team. (AEW Spoilers)

A reassuring update from recent AEW signed tag team. (AEW Spoilers)

  1. I hope this means they will be back for future tours. That is the one thing I cannot stand about the current talent swapping AEW has done with NJPW. If you are going to lend someone, lend them for a few months and not just a single show appearance every 6 months.

  2. I hate to rain on your parade, but this has never once been true in all the times it’s been said. The best you’ll get from AO going forward is the odd Strong show and then a WTL tour in a year or two after they’ve been stuck in catering for months.

  3. It’s nice of them acknowledge the NJPW fans truly and I believe he believes that but time will tell. And hey I want them to be a big deal and get the money they deserve, no slight on them getting a contract with AEW. We will see them again and it will be more special when we do.

  4. Because they’re in AEW they can still do Tag League at the end of the year I’d assume unless they’re in some big AEW program

  5. as much as i like AO, theyre pretty much done in japan imo. they might do some sporadic dates but id be surprised if they even do WTL. theres always reasons and excuses on why aew guys cant come over.

  6. I fully expect them to be IWGP Tag Champs, Strong Tag Champs, and AEW tag champs all at once at Wembley.

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