No replies on HelloTalk

I’ve been using HelloTalk and I try to make some friends by starting off with a 「こんにちは」 followed 「今何をしていますか?」 Unfortunately I don’t really get any replies 70% of the time afterwards. I’m wondering if it because they usually busy or they taking to someone else. I don’t say anything else afterwards since I don’t want to bother them too much(I probably should but I’m actually not sure or not so sorry if it was obvious.) Should I try and continue communicating with them until they reply or should I try something else? I’m not really that good with chatting with a person when I lead a conversation but at the same time I want to try and do some language exchanges.

  1. If you get replies 30% of the times that’s already pretty good though?

    People reply more often if you have an interesting profile as well

  2. Have an interesting profile. Have many Interesting moments. Chat in the comments first.

  3. For what it’s worth, I have a backlog of about 60 messages on hellotalk at any one time. Not everyone will get a response.😅

    Not saying that’s the case for everyone but it is what it is. Also maybe consider starting with はじめまして and an introduction first? 今なにをしていますか might come off as a bit direct. Maybe consider 今日は何をしてますか?

    What are you doing now vs today

    I think the former implies you want an immediate response from someone who might not have the best grasp of English.

  4. I started using HelloTalk about a week ago and I guess I am part of the problem 🙂

    Whenever I am online I get messaged by new people all the time and I just get overwhelmed and don’t reply to most…. I imagine it’s the same for many others, so don’t be discouraged. It’s nothing personal.

  5. Some people are busy, some are shy and don’t even try reaching out. Just keep texting and you will eventually find someone good

  6. From my experience, you should make yourself an interesting profile with a cool picture, then when you start a chat, ask about them, about what you see on their profile that could be interesting to talk about.

  7. If you say 今何をしていますか, you make it sound like you’re demanding to know what the addressee is doing right now without sharing anything about yourself or why you are asking the question.

    You’ll have a better result if you talk a little about yourself so the person can decide if they’re interested in talking to you.

  8. Just a tip, don’t bother messaging users who’ve been on the app longer than a month, they’re likely not going to respond. Stick to new users

  9. One thing that isn’t mentioned here is that people on HelloTalk or Tandem often get an overwhelming number of messages from people wanting to partner, especially for women. Sadly, there are those people that have different intentions on these apps. Your message could be buried within those other ones and is being purposely ignored

    But, you will find that person. Don’t be discouraged!

    [Check this post out](

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