Is there a big difference between the Genki 2nd edition and 3rd edition textbooks?


I’m learning on my own and bought the 3rd edition of Genki 1 (plus the workbook) and the 2nd edition of Genki 2 (with the workbook). Is there a drastic difference between the two/will I not be able to study properly with them?


  1. There are some newer vocabulary items here and there, and a better formatting of how things run. The third edition runs a lot smoother.

    You can use one and then transition to the other with very little trouble, IMO.

  2. There’s not enough of a difference that you’d have to shell out the extra money to buy an extra book.

    The biggest thing wrong with Genki 2nd ed is how they describe verbs, which was not really fixed in Genki 3rd edition anyways. I’d recommend checking this video when you get to that part:


    I don’t think there’s enough of a difference that you need to pay extra money for another Genki 2 book. If there’s any grammar explanation that you don’t understand, just google it for a supplementary explanation.

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