14 Day Itinerary Check

Hey everyone!

My wife and I are going on our honeymoon to Japan this coming September (worked out for days off work). We typically like relaxed iteneraries with a mix of everything: outdoor adventures, learning (tours and classes), walking through neighborhoods, good food, etc.

We don’t usually plan our days hour by hour but here’s what we have come up with so far. Would be great to get feedback, especially if there are local hikes or fun classes/activities that we should do. Bullet points are generally organized with a day’s activity set:

**Tokyo — 3 nights in Shinjuku:**

Any recommendations for walking tours/little neighborhoods to visit?

* Arrive, dinner Omoide Yokocho
* Tsujiki Fish Market, teamlab Planets
* Senso-Ji, Fukagawa Fire Ritual, Giants game Tokyo Dome, walk back through Golden Gai
* Meiji Jingu, depart

**Takayama — 3 nights in a ryokan:**

Any local hikes?

* Arrive, explore the town
* Shirakawa-Go morning, Sake self tour afternoon
* Kamikochi day trip

**Kyoto — 3 nights:**

* Arrive, food tour at night
* Explore downtown, tea ceremony, philosopher’s path, Ginkaju-ji
* Arashiyama and Monkey Park, tea ceremony #2, Kinkaju-ji

**Osaka — 3 nights:**

* Arrive, Kuroman Ichiba Market, Dontonbori
* Minoh Park/Waterfall, Cup of Noodles Museum, Tonnoji Park, Food Tour Shinsekai
* Osaka Castle, Explore around, Cooking Class

**Hakone — 2 nights:**

Local hikes?

* Relax, Onsen
* Karakuri Museum and puzzle box class


Really appreciate the time looking at this for us!

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