I need to make a daily schedule for learning japanese

I’m a complete beginner and imma bout to start learning japanese starting June. I have a full time job and I’m trying to find time for it. I’m not sure though how long should I learn daily and what time blocks should I place for a certain aspect like the letters, vocabulary, and grammar.

I was wondering if you could show me what your schedules look like so at least I can refer to those and able to make a schedules of my own.


  1. in my personal experience schedules just make it harder to study in the long run. sometimes i would be in such a solid flow state studying one aspect and have to break it because the time block was over. with schedules it also a lot easier for the task to become daunting. when i had my “perfect” schedule it would just lead me to procrastinate cause i had to set aside a 2 hour time block in my day. what works excellent for me is not having a specific amount of time in mind. i just put a 25 min timer and say im just going to study for 25 mins if i cant concentrate by the end of that ill call it quits and try again later, but if i want to keep going i will. doing this i would pull 5-6 hour study sessions with ease. just work with your own flow/pace, you might feel lost at first but once you find your own rythm you’ll probably be a lot more efficient

  2. I don’t really have a schedule, but more so a general to do list. I’m also a real beginner too, and I’ll probably modify it when I get better.


    I generally dedicate 10-20 minutes reviewing Kanji. On weekends I spend at least an hour adding and studying new kanji. I use Kanji Koohi, which is best paired with Heisig’s remembering the kanji.

    I can spend up to an hour or two learning grammar/reviewing and practicing grammar I’ve already learned (using flashcards, articles, and my current learning app Busuu).

    I kind of learn vocabulary simultaneously with grammar, so it slots into that time too.


    It takes a lot of experimentation/trial and error to figure out what works for you though. It varies for everyone.

  3. My daily 2-hour breakdown is

    * Anki: 25-30 min

    * Learn new words: 10 min

    * Read: 120 min

    But since you are a beginner you might not be able to read yet. In that case, just spend your time working through a beginner text.

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