How heavy should I focus on grammar at the start

I’m loosely following the MoeWay 30 day and some of these Cure Dolly vids are rough for me. Like when I did worksheet 2 I was way off the whole second half. Should I focus on that until it clicks or keep moving on?

  1. Just feel I should point this out because I get the impression you’re putting a schedule on learning. Don’t put a schedule on learning something as major as a language, it’s going to take a very, very long time to make the things you learn and absorb intuitive. So just go at your own pace and make sure what you’re engaging in is enjoyable.

    It may take a up to a year to properly grasp many grammatical aspects. Immersion and engaging in Japanese media will help the most after you learn the points of grammar.

  2. In my opinion you would burnout if you focus too heavily on that. It’s better to expand your vocabulary, trying to talk and have fun with it and occasionally look it up

  3. Remember the grammar points and their meaning/usage but don’t waste too much time overanalyzing. You can focus on grammar at any stage so it’s a thing you can pace and you can always do lookups for what you’re reading as well.

  4. Use grammar to understand the language but concentrate on real dialogues spoke by native Japanese. You can understand and speak Japanese if you only listen and say what native speakers say. If you learn only from a grammar book then you’ll be able to create sentences that natives will find weird. Use grammar as tool rather than as method. It’s the examples that are important to learn not the explanation.

  5. In my opinion a lot. You don’t need pedantic approach, but you need to understand what all these grammar elements mean and how it’s used in a sentence. Not knowing vocabulary sometimes can hinder, like in real life talk, but if you have any aid like you can rephrase such word, ask for it’s meaning or simply click on unknown word in content, then it’s done in a matter of seconds. On the other hand if you don’t know grammar, you simply won’t be able to understand a huge chunk or even whole sentence/situation completely. And there is no any shortcut, you can’t translate grammar and it’s always going to take like 1-5-20-60 minutes to learn it.

    This is why if you know grammar, you can use content even with a very small vocabulary like 1-2k words, theoretically even like 0-500 words would work, it just doesn’t happen because it doesn’t make sense not to learn vocabulary at all. And if you don’t know grammar, you most likely will find it hard to use content, because you don’t understand a lot of what is going on.

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