Any creditcard that can provide instant feedback on purchases?

Currently trying to buy Airline tickets and as usual, a couple of errors always pop up (502 internal server error, your card has been declined please contact your bank etc). But I’m using Rakuten’s CC and sometimes it takes up to a week to show the charges.

Is this all credit cards in general or are there credits cards which are a lot faster updating their usage?

Reason is I’d like to check the payments fast so that I can prevent booking the same flight twice and getting scammed by the airline.

  1. This happened to me last year with amex
    Im still fighting qatar airways to get my money back.

  2. My EPOS Card gives me notifications on my phone and watch before I’m even done at the register

  3. SMBC (e.g. Amazon) has instant notifications option in their app. It saved me in similar situation showing double charge. Only drawback is that you need to catch and screenshot notification as it still takes ages for actual transaction to be faxed to SMBC, hankoed by synthetic persona and finally shown in app transactions list.

  4. I was buying tickets yesterday and both my Rakuten cards were declined and locked. I had to call them to unlock them. On their defense I tried a card from the UK after and it was also declined. So I believe there was something genuinely fucked up with Etihad website because I also tried Revolut and was declined. In the end after I unlocked my cards, I booked with Turkish airlines without issues.

  5. Check the available balance instead. Those are updated instantly in rakuten, iirc.

  6. That delay for rakuten is a result of the processor not rakuten. Most rakuten charges show up within less than 24 hours to my email. It will also email you when it is blocking things for you (It was doing this to me on steam recently).

  7. My SMBC CC sends an email immediately after a purchase and it shows on the app.

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