10 year old kid backache: Hospital or Ostepathic clinic

Hi everyone,

My ten years old has been complaining about backache for the last 2-3 weeks. Yeah, school back and bad posture are not helping but since it’s been going on for some tome now , I am not sure where to bring her. Would any hospital have Othopedic department or do I need to find a “pediatri”c Orhtopedic hospital (any recommendations ?) . Alternatively are the Osteopath shops you see everyone in Tokyo any good ?


  1. Start with a pediatrician.

    You can search for pediatricians near your neighbourhood on Himawari.


    > Alternatively are the Osteopath shops you see everyone in Tokyo any good ?

    Not recommended for kids unless advised by an actual doctor.

  2. Definitely start with a pediatrician. I’d push them to run bloods just to be sure what you think is the issue is.

  3. There’s seikotsuin but I feel they are lame. Some one here recommended sekegeka, and I did went to one for my back pain. This time the guy did check bone by bone and took scans, pretty good.
    The sekotsuin was like , balance ur body stuff.

  4. Could be something more serious. Japanese doctors love to futz around with presumptive assumptions and then apply remedies based on that wasting a lot of time. Go straight to an MRI and get the answer directly.

  5. The seikotsuin 整骨院 (the osteopathic things you see everywhere) are just glorified massages. Good for short term relief when you’re feeling a bit run-down or if you exercise a lot but not appropriate for sudden back pain in a child imo. Seikeigeka 整形外科 (orthopedic clinics) all the way.

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