200 panties found in underwear thief’s home


Police in Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, have arrested a 41-year-old man on suspicion of stealing a woman’s underwear from the balcony of her apartment.

Police said they identified the suspect, Tsutomu Yamashita, who lives in Oharu, Aichi Prefecture, after an analysis of street surveillance camera footage, Tokai TV reported. Police said he was arrested on Wednesday and a search of his apartment turned up 200 panties.

Yamashita, a company employee, is accused of stealing one pair of panties from the first-floor balcony of a woman in Nakagawa Ward, Nagoya, in mid-May.

Police said there have been five reports of women’s underwear thefts in the area since June. Police said Yamashita has admitted to the charge and quoted him as saying he got a thrill out of collecting women’s underwear.

© Japan Today


  1. Aren’t those rookie numbers? I feel like I’ve read stories where cops busted dudes with thousands upon thousands.

  2. I always love the final quotes of these stories. They seem so logical and honest.. hey..I just like taking them is all.

  3. Well, at least the pervy chap owned up to his deviant antics, instead of claiming he was too pissed up to remember climbing that drainpipe.

  4. I used to work for an ex-monk, and he said there was a fundoshi thief that would raid the monastery when he was up in Hiezan

  5. This is so unimaginable to me… Like… My undies are so undesirable and I assume most other women’s are as well. They’re granny panties for comfort and usually bleached at the crotch because acidity and periods. It’s not cute and most definitely not sexy 🤣

  6. The police is going to have a field day when they line those panties up for a photo shoot.

  7. Shitagidorobo, 下着泥棒、Underwear thief

    one of this will my next nickname 🙂

  8. Well he could have bought some of them legitimately. Like used ones, they’re sold. The act of taking off the one you’re wearing and handing it over is sometimes optional for extra as well. I’ve just seen many ads is all.

  9. I thought you could buy used panties in vending machines over there. Why steal?

  10. Ok. Let’s unpack this.

    1) 200 panties? This guy is an amateur.
    2) People report a single pair of missing panties?
    3) Can you dust for panties?
    4) people get a thrill out of collecting panties? I feel so stupid, I have been collecting movie memorabilia.

  11. They caught a guy in Canada a while ago doing something like this. Russell Williams, a high ranking military officer. He killed some people and was also collecting underwear which he would try on and take pictures of himself. He should have just gone to pornhub.

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