
I just wanna ask if there are curfews here in Japan? I was planning to go out after 10-11pm here in my place but too scared if some police officers might pull up on me (im 19 and i live in Gifu)

  1. What country are you from? Never heard of curfew after 10 without any conflict in a country.

  2. Gifu – over 18 is no problem it seems. Being drunk, probably not but other than that you are good to go!!

  3. Not at all but don’t be surprised if a random police officer asks to see your ID and ask where you are going. Had this happen to me in the boonies a few times.

  4. Yeah, it starts at 10:59 pm; troops get deployed to every cross road with tanks and armored vehicles.
    Also soldiers will be walking around the streets with highly trained dogs; if they find you out after 11:02 pm they will publicly execute you for breaking the law

  5. Lots of ignorant people in the comments.

    If you are underage and unsupervised there’s a 11pm to 4am curfew.

    Definition of underage may have changed since last year when Seijin was redefined to 18 but unsure.

    Its not a serious curfew its more like a stern warning by the officer. Its mainly enforced to deter young delinquents and runaways. They exist.

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