Is it much easier starting a business in Japan if you have a Japanese business partner?

Can you skip getting the business/startup visa if your Japanese business partner registers the company?

I want to start a business as a side hustle. I’d still be keeping my full time job as a web developer. Business would be open part time on weekends. I don’t want to switch from my 5 year engineering visa to a startup visa.

It’s not possible to have both I assume?

  1. So, you wouldn’t have any official role in the company or connection to the company? I’m not sure I understand what you’re proposing.

    The registration is just an early step in the process of a company… existing.

  2. It seems like your question is more related to your visa. Is there a startup visa? Or are you talking about the Investor/Business Management visa?

    I started my own business while I had the plain old humanities visa and switched to the investor/business management visa when I was up for renewal (which was about a year or so after starting).

    I changed to the investor/BM visa as my business was my sole source of income and I was not employed anywhere else. If you are already employed and this is a side business then I’d assume it would be best to continue with your employment and current visa status. Usually your visa would be based on your main source of work and income not a side job or business.

    You would want to consider if there are any constrictions related to your main job and visa and if that conflicts with starting a side business.

    A Japanese business partner registering your company isn’t directly related to your visa or need to switch. So it doesn’t matter as far as the visa is related.

    Business wise, that depends on you.

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