Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (May 28, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Is there any difference between the words 共同 and 協力? I’ve read plenty of example sentences and I can’t point any.

    For example, the sentence これは皆様のご協力のたまものです。 could also be written as これは皆様の共同のたまものです and the meaning would still be the same, right?

  2. Hi!

    Currently reading a manga, and I came across a panel with a bunch of 絵馬, each with their own handwritten message. I managed to get through most of them, but I’m having trouble transcribing a few of them:

    [The 絵馬 in question](https://imgur.com/a/mArcbq9)

  3. Hey guys, I’m looking for a app for ios that works well with audio and every features anki has to offer, as the official anki app is quite expensive for ios.

    Any recommendations?

  4. Can ましょうか mean ONLY “shall I _” or can it also mean “shall we”. To say “shall we” in Japanese, is it necessary to put 一緒 in front? Can ましょう mean “shall we _”? Is it contextual?

  5. I’ll write this in romaji as I don’t know how to do anything else (just started learning today) I learned the Japanese word for- it’s,she’s, he’s… “desu “. I’m using duolingo and I can’t tell if you pronounce the U at the end or not… in some samples it sounds like they do, and in others it doesn’t and sounds like “des” instead. I’m confused because the U sound is notated in hiragana but seemingly not always voiced.

  6. Hi, I have question on the grammar もんか

    From my understanding, もんか is negative tense with strong tone, so for sentence like:

    ご飯食べるだけなら 可愛いもんか

    I would think it translate to ‘not cute (strong tone)’.

    But in fact (it was from a manga), that in many different languages’ translation, it translated to ‘cute’. And in the situation, it does make sense to use ‘cute’ (the situation was that person X asked person Y to eat dinner, and person Y thought of the above sentence, which he agreed to eat dinner.

    Why so? https://www.weblio.jp/content/%E3%82%82%E3%81%AE%E3%81%8B

  7. Hello!

    I am in the process of memorizing hiragana and am looking for some helpful tricks to remember that ろ is “ro” and る is “ru.” The visual similarity keeps tripping me up

    Anyone happen to have any good mnemonics or other tips for distinguishing between the two?

  8. Watching Attack on Titan anime and someone says

    ここであの巨人に より長く暴れてもらう

    What’s the difference if she said

    ここであの巨人に より長く暴れさせる

    I read the difference between もらうand causative form is that causative just sounds “stronger” but it’s the only one result in the internet I found, so I thought I’d ask here to confim too

    Also I’d have used 巨人 [を] 暴れてもらうinstead of に here if asked on a quiz, but obviously get it wrong. Would be grateful for answers

  9. Could I check please, if I have understood the following correctly. The context is: the writer is describing the funding for the development of a homebase for the Kochi Fighting Dogs, which will be at Ochi and Sakawa.

    総額約1億4000万円の一大ブロジェクトには、県の地域づくり支援事業と過疎地域の自立促進となる事業を対象に発行できる「過疎対策事業債」を発行することができた。もちろん返済の義務があるのだが、この「過疎対策事業債」の場合、返済の7割が国からの地方交付税で手当てされることになっている. つまり、地兀の直接的な財政負担が大きく軽減される仕組みなのだ。

    1. The bond was issued by the prefectural government?
    2. 70% of the repayments will be covered by the national government? (From a sort of allocation of tax revenue to the prefecture)

  10. My book says 知る doesn’t have a potential form, but if I google it, a couple of pages say it’s 知れる. So is it a possible conjugation and just not used, or is it completely impossible (like 分かれる)

  11. Question about grammar: Relative clauses in the grammar construction V-pst. + ことがある

    If I understand correctly, the verbs before relative clause have to always be in the plain form. However, what happens if I wanted to say something like Peter, who hasn´t flown an airplane? Do i have to change to ことがありません to ことがない ? (example below).

    Would I say:

    1) 飛行機に乗ったことがありませんペトルくん。(ひこうきにのったことがありませんペトルくん)


    2) 飛行機に乗ったことがないペトルくん。(ひこうきにのったことがないペトルくん)


    Thanks in advance.

  12. What’s the difference between 落ち着く and 落ち着ける? And is 落ち着け just a colloquial way of saying 落ち着ける?

  13. I found this sentence in an instagram page that posts some sort of mini quizzes.

    “あんなやり方ではうまく 。。。。 だろうと思う。”

    There were 4 possible answers: いく、いかない、いこう、いくまい

    Now, いこう is a volitional form (as genki 2 puts it).

    いくまい… I don’t really know. Probably some grammar point I still need to study.

    The choice is between いく and いかない.

    The solution given by the instagram page is いかない.

    What I want to ask is: wouldn’t both be possible? I’d have used いく, but without context I am not really able to tell the difference.

    うまく should be an adverb and work with both verbs…

    What am I missing?

    Thanks a lot!

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